Copywriting Mentorship


A sales copywriter turns toward the sun and smiles in the Arizona desert.

That stuff we say about living a boundless life? We’re serious. So serious that we want to help other people (like you!) chase their version of it. Whether you’ve started your copywriting or freelancing career or are looking for the motivation to do it (what’s holding you back?), this is for you. We’ll walk through your goals, create actionable plans, and strategize how you can expand and thrive in the career you’ve dreamed about. 

Who It's For:

What It Is:

In-Depth Pre-Mentorship Questionnaire: The sticking points, the goals you’ve got, the vision you have for the future–I want to know it all (and we’re going to get to it). You’ll tackle this questionnaire as honestly as possible, and I’ll review it so we can set you up for a successful first call 

2 Monthly Calls: We’ll have two hour-long strategy sessions each month that’ll put you in the right place. We’ll review, analyze, and refine your path as we go.

Optional Audit Add-Ons: Want my hot take on your latest pitch? Need expert eyes on your work to get a confidence boost? Let’s do it. 

Meeting Recordings: Every meeting is yours to keep forever  + every note from each in-depth call.

Lifetime Discounts & Select Free Access: To my greatest hits of freelance resources, templates, and guides (designed for copywriters and content writers like you).

That stuff we say about living a boundless life? We’re serious. So serious that we want to help other people (like you!) chase their version of it. Whether you’ve started your copywriting or freelancing career or are looking for the motivation to do it (what’s holding you back?), this is for you. We’ll walk through your goals, create actionable plans, and strategize how you can expand and thrive in the career you’ve dreamed about. 

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In-Depth Pre-Mentorship Questionnaire: The sticking points, the goals you’ve got, the vision you have for the future–I want to know it all (and we’re going to get to it). You’ll tackle this questionnaire as honestly as possible, and I’ll review it so we can set you up for a successful first call. 
2 Monthly Calls: We’ll have two hour-long strategy sessions each month that’ll put you in the right place. We’ll review, analyze, and refine your path as we go.
Optional Audit Add-Ons: Want my hot take on your latest pitch? Need expert eyes on your work to get a confidence boost? Let’s do it. 
Meeting Recordings: Every meeting is yours to keep forever  + every note from each in-depth call.

Lifetime Discounts & Select Free Access: To my greatest hits of freelance resources, templates, and guides (designed for copywriters and content writers like you).

More copy?



Where DIY copy meets a professional’s eye. We tackle your existing copy and share strategic feedback to help you connect with your people and clarify your messaging–in your words.


Your go-to strategy for refreshing, refining, & perfecting your brand’s unique, ideal-audience-attracting voice. Because it’s not just about what you say–it’s about how you say it (and who you say it to). 


A one-stop-shop for stellar & cohesive web copy that speaks directly to your target audience and hits ’em right in the feels. Connect, persuade, and compel with the perfect words (yours). 

Lookin’ for more copy? 

Thought you’d never ask

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Where DIY copy meets a professional’s eye. We tackle your existing copy and share strategic feedback to help you connect with your people and clarify your messaging–in your words.

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Your go-to strategy for refreshing, refining, & perfecting your brand’s unique, ideal-audience-attracting voice. Because it’s not just about what you say–it’s about how you say it (and who you say it to). 

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A one-stop-shop for stellar & cohesive web copy that speaks directly to your target audience and hits ’em right in the feels. Connect, persuade, and compel with the perfect words (yours). 



Snag a spot on our email list for inside details, discounts, and candid copy advice. No spam, just value (and our signature Golden Retriever style good vibes). 



Snag a spot on our email list for inside details, discounts, and candid copy advice.
No spam, just value (and our signature Golden Retriever style good vibes). 

Join the email list or follow along on Insta to see all the chaos, copy, & juicy behind-the-curtain kinda stuff.


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